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drip irrigation and its advantages

Drip irrigation and its advantages

Drip irrigation and its advantages

At a time when water resources are depleting, innovative agricultural irrigation methods are important. Drip irrigation is an agricultural method which changed water requirements in agriculture due to drop by drop irrigation which not only saves water but also keep plants healthy and has improved plant yield.

Advantages of drip irrigation

  • Water Conservation : Drip irrigation technique saves a lot of water and water in irrigation is used efficiently and it thus maximizes use of available water.
  • Increase crop production : Through drip irrigation water is directly fed to the roots of the plant, which help in healthier plants and thus higher yield.
  • Reduces weed growth : As discussed earlier, drip irrigation provides water directly to root zone, thus minimizing moisture between plants. This is the place where weed grows
  • Reduces diseases : As drip irrigation feeds water directly to the roots, it minimizes water contact with stem, leaves and fruit of the plant
  • Reduces soil erosion : Drip irrigation reduces soil erosion
  • Evaporation is reduced : As water is fed directly to the roots of the plant, evaporation is reduced.

But with drip irrigation there are challenges as well :

  • High installation cost
  • Vulnerable to clogging and dysfunction
  • blockage in pipe leads to crop loss
  • problems with moisture distribution

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Mulching Sheet and how it enhanced production in agriculture

Mulching Sheet and how it enhanced production in agriculture

Mulching Sheet and how it enhanced production in agriculture

Mulching sheet is a game changer in agriculture. Use of mulching sheets in winters has increased productivity by working as an insulator for heat and cold for plant roots.

How mulching sheet has helped in enhancing production in agriculture

  • It helps retain moisture in the soil which saves water and reduces irrigation needs
  • It regulates soil temperature. In winters when you have low temperature outside you can still find your soil temperature more. Reason is mulching acts as an insulator.
  • Mulching helps in improving plant growth and reducing plant stress.
  • Mulching suppress weed growth, reducing need of herbicides and natural weeding
  • Mulching helps in improving yield and quality of harvest
  • Mulching protects soil from soil erosion

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surface irrigation

Surface irrigation

Surface irrigation

Surface irrigation is a method of delivering water to crops using gravity. i.e. water starts running from a higher ground to lower ground. It is the most common irrigation practice being used over thousand years. Water is applied to soil surface and distributed by gravity. water infiltrates the soil while flowing over the field surface.

Three most common forms of surface irrigation are

  • Basin irrigation: Basin irrigation is the most common form of surface irrigation, particularly in regions with layouts of small fields. If a field is level in all directions, encompassed by a dyke to prevent runoff and provides an undirected flow of water onto the field, it is referred to as basin
  • Border irrigation: Border irrigation is a type of surface irrigation where the field is divided into strips separated by border ridges running down the gradient of the field. The area between the ridges is flooded during irrigation.
  • Furrow irrigation: Furrow irrigation is a method of laying out the water channels in such a way where gravity plays the role of providing just enough water for suitable plants

Surface irrigation has a very low capital cost but is difficult to design and manage. The challenge with surface irrigation is that it can be inefficient and can waste water.

importance of irrigation

Importance of Irrigation

Importance of Irrigation

Water is the most important element for plant growth. Different type of plant require different quantities of water at different times. But excess and unregulated water can destroy your crops and plants. Thus Irrigation is the process through which controlled water is supplied through artificial mediums such as pipes, sprinklers etc.

Main importance of irrigation are discussed below

  • Agriculture is hampered with irregular, insufficient and excess rainfall. Indian economy where 70% population relies on agriculture, proper irrigation facilities if the key to success.
  • Productivity of land is more with proper irrigation facilities than those with no irrigation facilities. In India we generally have 2 crop seasons, Kharif and Rabi. Unirrigated regions are those which are dependent entirely on rainfall for their produce and only have Kharif crops. This effects farmer income largely.
  • Multiple cropping per year is only possible with proper irrigation facilities. This will enhance productivity and profitability.
  • Seeds cannot grow in dry soil as moisture is necessary for plant growth. Proper irrigation facilities can solve the problem.
  • Through irrigation it is possible to provide excellent environment for the plant roots to grow.
  • Bringing more land under cultivation is only possible through irrigation
  • A plant can absorb nutrients from the soil only when you have proper irrigation facilities.
  • Insufficient rain may also cause drought & famines. Irrigation can play a protective role during the period of drought & famines.
  • Irrigation can also be regarded as a catalyst for NATION GROW. With proper irrigation facilities farmer income is set to increase and will help nation to grow further. When living standards of 70% of your population is increased, who can stop a nation from developing.

With time, irrigation facilities have also become more efficient and water saving. A few irrigation facilities are as under

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