Where Every Bite is a Taste of Nature

Health benefits of eating bitter gourd

Health Benefits of eating bitter gourd (करेला)

Health Benefits of eating bitter gourd (करेला)

Bitter gourd or करेला is a popular tropical vine that produces edible vegetables. They are known for their sharp, bitter taste and are mostly a part of Asian cuisines. Bitter gourds are known for their their health advantages, a few of which are given below.

Health benefits of eating bitter gourd

  • Improves digestion: Bitter gourd or Karela helps reduce risks of digestive tract disorders.
  • Weight loss : Karela helps in weight loss including belly fat
  • Purify Blood : Karela is known for its antimicrobal and antioxidant properties that helps in purification of blood.
  • Kidney Stones : Karela helps in breaking down of kidnney stones.
  • Blood Pressure : Karela contains pheonic compounds which may help lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • Diabates : Karela’s are considered as the best fruit to manage diabetes since ages. Karela supplements can enhance insulin production and improve high density lipoprotein levels.
  • Skin and Hair health : Karela juice contains vitamins A and C, which help in acne and skin issues. It also help with hair loss, dandruff and split orders.
  • Karela;s are rich in iron, vitamin C, low in calories and are a good source of folate

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DIY Bitter Gourd or karela
Who must not eat Bitter Gourd or karela
Steps to grow Bitter Gourd.

Marigold Farming - Its advantages

Marigold Farming – Its health advantages

Marigold Farming – Its advantages

Marigold farming (गैंदा फूल की खेती) is very popular in India. Marigold farming originally came from southern Europe and is being cultivated in India since past 100 years.

Marigold farming has several advantages which are being described below.

  1. Marigold acts as plant protectors in Protected cultivation structures. Sowing Marigold around your Protected cultivation structures reduces attack of pests and flies and thus helps you get a higher yield.
  2. Skin Healing :  Marigold since ancient times is being used to heal skin wounds, rashes, burns, bites, swelling. Marigold has the ability to promote growth of healthy new tissues, increase blood flow in affected area and hydrate skin.
  3. Antioxidant : Marigold flowers are a rich source of antioxidant vitamin A
  4. Sore Throat / Mouth Ulcers: Marigold is an effective remedy for sore throats, gingivitis, tonsillitis and mouth ulcers. Gargling with Marigold tea will help to soothe the mucus membranes of the throat whilst easing the pain.


All About Marigold farming
DIY – Marigold farming
Seasons to grow marigold

Health benefits of eating Cucumber

Health benefits of eating cucumber (खीरा)

Health benefits of eating cucumber (खीरा)

Cucumber is a veggie widely available throughout the year. Cucumbers in India are available in various varieties and has many health advantages. A few of them are listed below.

Why one must eat cucumber everyday ?

  • It is highly nutritious : Cucumbers are low in calories but are very high in important vitamins and minerals. Every 300 gms of raw cucumber (खीरा) has the following nutrient (Source)
    • Calories: 45
    • Total fat: 0 grams
    • Carbs: 11 grams
    • Protein: 2 grams
    • Fiber: 2 grams
    • Vitamin C: 14% of the RDI
    • Vitamin K: 62% of the RDI
    • Magnesium: 10% of the RDI
    • Potassium: 13% of the RDI
    • Manganese: 12% of the RDI
  • Cucumbers have a high water content and are made of 96% water. To maximize nutrient content cucumbers must be eaten unpeeled Peeling them reduces the amount of fiber, as well as certain vitamins and minerals.
  • Detoxification : Cucumbers or Kheera (खीरा) have great detoxification properties. Thus they help to detoxify your body.
  • Cucumbers or Kheera (खीरा) are naturally cooling and help dehydration and overheating.
  • Cucumber helps in regulating blood sugar levels

What you should not eat with cucumber

People consume Cucumber and radish often together but it may lead to serious complications to their health. Cucumber contains ascorbate, which acts to absorb vitamin C. In such a situation, when you eat radish with it, it creates obstruction in this process, which can lead to a variety of health concerns.

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DIY Cucumber Plantation
Life Cycle of Cucumber (खीरा)
Diseases in Cucumber (खीरा) growth cycle

Organic Fertilizers and their importance

Organic Fertilizers and their importance

Organic Fertilizers and their importance

Fertilizers are a very important component required for plant growth and high yield. With the changing lifestyles and demand, today most fruits and veggies are filled with synthetic fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides. Synthetic fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides helps to grow crops faster and get a better yield but  also works as a slow poison for our digestive systems and results in diseases. At the same time it also downgrades soil quality. At such times, demand is very high for authentic organic veggies and fruits.

Importance of Organic Fertilizer :

  • Organic fertilizers are cheaper than synthetic fertilizers
  • They are easy to make. One can even make an organic fertilizer at home.
  • It will improve soil health.
  • It will remove help remove toxins from our body which are resulting in many serious diseases like cancers, kidney failures and heart attacks.
  • Longer crop duration.

How to make organic fertilizer (A few ways)

  • A Mix of cow dung, cow urine, soil sorrounding Ficus religiosa (पीपल), jaggery (गुड़) along with decomposing bacteria’s make an excellent organic fertilizer for plant growth. They help to keep diseases away and helps to grow plant faster. The above given organic fertilizer must be made and kept in isolation for 7-10 days before use. Then it can be transferred directly to plants. Use this organic fertilizer every 15 days and see your plants flourish.
  • A mix of jaggery (गुड़), Chickpea flour (बेसन), cow urine along with decomposing bacteria make an excellent organic fertilizer for plant growth. It is advised to keep this fertilizer in isolation for atleast 24 hours before use. Use this organic fertilizer every 15 days.
  • A mix of cow urine, agricultural neem oil for spray application. This will help to keep pests away. You can spray them every 7 days.

There are thousand of ways to make organic fertilizers which can suit your crop, These methods help you grow veggies and fruit free from any harmful effects to your health.

Crops you can grow in a Shade Net house

Crops you can grow in a Shade Net house

Crops you can grow in a Shade Net house

Shade net house is a protected cultivation technique which controls pests and temperature and thus gives plants, herbs and flowers perfect environment to grow and give higher yield.

Growing crops in a net shade house is possible round the year, but you must decide what you grow according to your local circumstances.

Here is a list of Crops you can grow in a Shade Net house

  • Cucumber: In India we regard July – September as monsoon months. So you can grow cucumber between months of March – April and September – December. Cucumber has a small crop cycle of 3 months so you can easily manage crop within these months. Cucumber can grow in monsoon also but the quality and yield is heavily effected.
  • Tomato : In India tomato’s are planted twice a year according to place to place. But in a net house you can easily plant tomato in February and take harvest till August. You are expected to get a better price of tomato all these months due to limited supply. Tomato plants have higher tolerance level.
  • Cucumber : In India again cucumbers can be planted in February and take harvest till August. You are expected to get a better price of tomato all these months due to limited supply. It is advised that you go for colored capsicum as they fetch a higher price.
  • Flowers: Flowers grow very healthy in shade net house.
drip irrigation and its advantages

Drip irrigation and its advantages

Drip irrigation and its advantages

At a time when water resources are depleting, innovative agricultural irrigation methods are important. Drip irrigation is an agricultural method which changed water requirements in agriculture due to drop by drop irrigation which not only saves water but also keep plants healthy and has improved plant yield.

Advantages of drip irrigation

  • Water Conservation : Drip irrigation technique saves a lot of water and water in irrigation is used efficiently and it thus maximizes use of available water.
  • Increase crop production : Through drip irrigation water is directly fed to the roots of the plant, which help in healthier plants and thus higher yield.
  • Reduces weed growth : As discussed earlier, drip irrigation provides water directly to root zone, thus minimizing moisture between plants. This is the place where weed grows
  • Reduces diseases : As drip irrigation feeds water directly to the roots, it minimizes water contact with stem, leaves and fruit of the plant
  • Reduces soil erosion : Drip irrigation reduces soil erosion
  • Evaporation is reduced : As water is fed directly to the roots of the plant, evaporation is reduced.

But with drip irrigation there are challenges as well :

  • High installation cost
  • Vulnerable to clogging and dysfunction
  • blockage in pipe leads to crop loss
  • problems with moisture distribution

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Mulching Sheet and how it enhanced production in agriculture

Mulching Sheet and how it enhanced production in agriculture

Mulching Sheet and how it enhanced production in agriculture

Mulching sheet is a game changer in agriculture. Use of mulching sheets in winters has increased productivity by working as an insulator for heat and cold for plant roots.

How mulching sheet has helped in enhancing production in agriculture

  • It helps retain moisture in the soil which saves water and reduces irrigation needs
  • It regulates soil temperature. In winters when you have low temperature outside you can still find your soil temperature more. Reason is mulching acts as an insulator.
  • Mulching helps in improving plant growth and reducing plant stress.
  • Mulching suppress weed growth, reducing need of herbicides and natural weeding
  • Mulching helps in improving yield and quality of harvest
  • Mulching protects soil from soil erosion

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Advantages of a Shade net house
Challenges in a Shade net house
How to prepare Shade net house for winters
How to prepare Shade net house for Summers
Shade Net house Vs Polyhouse
Crops you can grow in a Shade Net house
Drip irrigation and its advantages
Organic Fertizers you can use in agriculture

How prepare your Shade Net house for Summers

How prepare your Shade Net house for Summers

How prepare your Shade Net house for Summers

Shade net houses are primarily made for summers and they have proved to have an excellent yield to plants during the season. But there are a few things you must take care of during summer season for excellent harvest

  1. No Mulching Sheet : Mulching Sheets work counter-productive during summer season. Mulching sheets are designed in such a way that in winter seasons they regulate the temperature near the roots, thus helping in keeping the plants healthy. But during summers, they work as counter productive and can help in generation of root diseases which will decrease life of plant and productivity.
  2. Check your sprinklers : Most net houses will have sprinklers for cooling down of temperature during summers. But as they are not used during monsoon and winter seasons, it is often seen that sprinklers get jammed.
  3. Seed Selection : The seeds which work well during winters doesn’t guarantee of them working well in summers as well. So always choose seeds which are for the season

The crop and yield depends on many other factors as well, but the above given are primary factors which one need to take care off.

Read More:

Advantages of a Shade Net house
Challenges in a Shade net house
How to prepare Shade net house for winters
Shade Net house Vs Polyhouse
Crops you can grow in a Shade Net house
Mulching and how it enhanced production in agriculture
Drip irrigation and its advantages
Organic Fertizers you can use in agriculture

How prepare your Shade Net house for winters

How prepare your Shade Net house for winters

How prepare your Shade Net house for winters

Shade Net house are a boon for summer season but, in order to get a higher yield and for crop management you need to bring some improvements in shade net house in winter season.

What are the must do :

  • Mulching Sheet : Mulching Sheets are a must for winter season. Mulching sheets help your roots to stay cozy and thus helps in plant growth.
  • Less water : Watering your plants just 20 minutes a day through drip irrigation is enough
  • Put the sliding net on during night : A lot of dew comes in winters. To ensure that the dew doesn’t hamper your plant growth apply sliding nets every night in such a way and all your plants are properly covered. When sun rises again remove the sliding net for temperature management.
  • Buy seeds which are for winter harvest only. Plants which germinate from such seeds perform better in harsh conditions.

What more needs to be done :

One improvement in your net shade house will surely help you. During winters, the breeze is very cold and thus effect your plants. Your side nets can be covered with plastic curtains (you can install rolling curtains so that you can lift them again during summers) to ensure that your plants grow in optimum temperature.

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How to protect your plants in a Shade net house in Summers?
Plants you can grow in a Shade net house?
Advantages of Shade net house

Challenges - Shade Net house

Challenges – Shade net house

Challenges – Shade net house

Though Shade net houses are known as yield multipliers, but they too have certain challenges. While Shade net houses are known for their yield in Summer seasons, they are not that effective in monsoon and winter seasons.

Challenges of a Shade Net house

As in a net house, water can come inside from the top covering, plants get effected due to heavy downpour in rainy season which effect productivity and plant health drastically. For e.g. in state of Rajasthan (India) where temperature climbs to over 45 degree Celsius in summers, shade net houses work as a boon and give excellent cultivation for veggie growers.

But the same Shade net house becomes a headache for growers during monsoon season because water flows down the upper covering and the excess water keeps flowing inside and if one doesn’t have an excellent drainage system, plant health will be effected. Even with an excellent drainage system, continuous rainfall will definitely effect your crop health.

Moving ahead in winters again Shade net house is a problem affair. A shade net house is originally covered with net from all sides due to which cold winds will work as a “shock wave for plants” and  dew falling from top layer of shade net house, will reduce plant growth. Both these aspects will reduce plant yield and quality.

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How to protect your plants in a Shade net house in winters?
Plants you can grow in a Shade net house?
Advantages of Shade net house

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